Map Legend
Color | GDD °F | Estimated Wheat Growth Stage |
0 to 600 | Seedling growth or tillering | |
600 to 800 | Tillering or strongly upright tillers | |
800 to 1000 | Strongly upright tillers or jointing (first node) | |
1000 to 1200 | Jointing (first node) or approaching flag leaf emergence | |
1200 to 1400 | Flag leaf emergence or boot | |
1400 to 1600 | Boot or heading | |
1600 to 1800 | Heading to flowering | |
1800 to 2000 | Heading or flowering | |
2000 to 2200 | Flowering or watery ripe | |
2200 to 2400 | Watery ripe or milk | |
2400 to 2600 | Milk or dough | |
2600 to 2800 | Dough or kernels maturing | |
2800 to 3000 | Dough or kernels maturing | |
More than 3000 | Physiologically mature or approaching harvest |
Data as of March 25 2025 14:20 (CDT) -- Click column headers to sort data
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Available dates start at station's period of record (2010 for our oldest stations) and continue until yesterday.
Start Date:
End Date:
Observed GDD:
Norm GDD:
Growing Degrees = | Daily Max Air Temp + Daily Min Air Temp | - 32 |
2 | ||
Negative values are set to 0 |
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